Devtools Kit
State of devtools (Amsterdam 2024)
Histoire: A deep dive (Vue Amsterdam 2023)
A look at the internals of Histoire, a tool to generate component stories, and how Vite makes it possible.
Vue.js Workshop
Histoire - Vue.js Amsterdam
Workshop Summit 2020 - Vue Composition API and GraphQL
Announcing a new Graphical application for the Web developer #nocode
Awesome JS is awesome
Vue DX
Why vue-cli needed a UI and what you can do with it
We will go through why and how the UI was built and how you can extend it so it can be even more useful!
9 performance secrets revealed
Vue 2.6 SSR revolution
Part 1: What is SSR again? -- Part 2: New 2.6 features that change everything for data prefetching
Create a Vue CLI plugin!
Let's dive into Vue CLI 3 and create our very own plugin!
Why vue-cli needed a UI and what you can do with it
We will go through why and how the UI was built and how you can extend it so it can be even more useful!
A Fullstack GraphQL App in 2 Minutes with the Vue CLI and Apollo
The new Vue CLI is now the standard build tools to create Vue.js app. With its plugin system, you can add new features like Apollo GraphQL in an instant. Only a few minutes are required to create a full-stack Vue.js and GraphQL app and then you can start creating the next killer-app!
[JAPANESE] Why vue-cli needed a UI and what you can do with it
We will go through why and how the UI was built and how you can extend it so it can be even more useful!
Why vue-cli needed a UI and what you can do with it
We will go through why and how the UI was built and how you can extend it so it can be even more useful!
Why vue-cli needed a UI and what you can do with it
We will go through why and how the UI was built and how you can extend it so it can be even more useful!
State of Vuenion September 2018
A look at Vue CLI 3 and its UI
Vue CLI 3.0 is full-packed of new features, including a graphical user interface! Let's take a deeper look at it!
Vue CLI 3.0
Learn more about the completely new CLI for Vue.js!
How Vue and GraphQL can evolve your development workflow
Vue + Apollo + GraphQL: why it's the Ultimate Stack to build great apps
Vue-cli is not just a CLI
@vue/cli is the brand new command-line tool to build Vue apps. But it also features an entire GUI displayed in your browser!
Vue-cli is not just a CLI
@vue/cli is the brand new command-line tool to build Vue apps. But it also features an entire GUI displayed in your browser!
How Vue and GraphQL can evolve your development workflow
Vue + Apollo + GraphQL: why it's the Ultimate Stack to build great apps
Vue.js, le framework progressif
Propulsez vos apps avec Apollo et GraphQL
Apollo, GraphQL and Vue: The Ultimate Stack
[EN] Vue performance tricks
Learn new tricks to improve the performance of your Vue.js app!
Vue, le framework progressif
Slides du Meetup LyonJS le 17/01/2017 https://www.meetup.com/fr-FR/LyonJS/events/236644715/ https://vuejs.org https://vuejs.org/guide https://vuejs.org/api https://github.com/vuejs/awesome-vue https://forum.vuejs.org https://medium.com/the-vue-point https://vuejobs.com https://conf.vuejs.org
[EN] Vue + Apollo + GraphQL
Talk from Vue Conf 2017. Demo app source code: https://github.com/Akryum/vueconf-2017-demo
[EN] GraphQL & Apollo
Did you use or create web services with REST or SOAP already? Don't you want something different? Discover a new way to make API, created inside Facebook labs: GraphQL. This protocol helps creating modern web services, while fulfilling today's needs: high performance mobile data, scalability, emerging usage, real-time, self-documentation... Apollo GraphQL, a community-driven project sponsored by the Meteor Development Group, allows us to effortlessly use GraphQL both server-side and client-side. The Apollo client is a serious and popular alternative to Relay, designed to work everywhere and offering some very interesting features like a smart cache system.
[FR] GraphQL & Apollo
Avez-vous déjà utilisé ou créé des web services REST ou SOAP ? Voulez-vous quelque chose de différent ? Venez découvrir un nouveau genre d'API, à l'origine créé dans les laboratoires secrets de Facebook. J'ai nommé : GraphQL. Ce protocole permet de créer des web services modernes répondant aux besoins d'aujourd'hui : haute performance sur réseau mobile, forte évolutivité et très grande souplesse, usages émergents, données en temps réel, auto-documentation… Apollo GraphQL, un projet communautaire lancé et supporté par le Meteor Developement Group, nous permet d'utiliser facilement GraphQL à la fois côté front- et back-end. Le client Apollo est une alternative sérieuse et populaire à Relay, conçue pour fonctionner partout et offrant quelques fonctionnalités sympathiques comme un cache intelligent.Bonus: tout ceci sera concrétisé dans une application Vue !
[FR] Atelier Meteor + Vue
[FR] Introduction à Vue 2
Slides du Meetup LyonJS le 17/01/2017 https://www.meetup.com/fr-FR/LyonJS/events/236644715/ https://vuejs.org https://vuejs.org/guide https://vuejs.org/api https://github.com/vuejs/awesome-vue https://forum.vuejs.org https://medium.com/the-vue-point https://vuejobs.com https://conf.vuejs.org