...with SSG and Composable Architecture (+ more!)
Interesting fact: In 2022 it was ~2-3%.
Source: https://umbraco.com/blog/announcing-the-2024-umbraco-awards-nominees/
"As technology evolves, power demand from data processing is expected to double nationwide in three years. One small example of this demand surge — OpenAI’s ChatGPT requires 2.9 watt-hours per request, and that’s nearly 10 times more power than a typical Google search.” - Benjamin Fowke
"You might fight for sustainability and systems that are clean and end up with editors uploading tons of a big videos/images or shitty js tracking libraries."
And do we?
And do we?
Do we have enough competencies in the team?
Do we use Development / Staging / UAT environments now?
Are those "real time" updates really need to be "real time"?
Do we need to keep old data? How long retention?
Are you truly headless now?! ;) Can you live without your head?
See @levelsio's startups or @dhh's Rails apps.
Speaking databases for example, SQLite can handle 400k to 400k HHTP requests per day. 200 SQL statements per page request. It's more than enough for most of the small/mid scale projects.
(Rails new, Umbraco and Laravel has SQLite set as its default DB)
Community Team
- task: PowerShell@2
targetType: 'inline'
script: '& 7z.exe a -tgzip $(Build.StagingDirectory) $(Build.SourcesDirectory)\README.md'
Incremental Content Caching
Incremental Static Regeneration
Incremental Team Education ;)
Country Manager @ Novicell PL
Solution Architect @ Novicell UK
CTO @ Novicell NO
CTO / CKO @ WOW School
Marcin @ umbraCoffee (Last Friday's 11:30 on YT)
Blogger @ udfnd.pl
YT Wannabe / Podcaster @ The Busy Programmer