Julia Packages
What's available and how to create
Samuel Colvin
- Packages "all stars" list
- Summary of what some of the most important packages can do.
- Julia comes with a build in package manager which is accessed from inside Julia.
- Currently 377 packages available.
- Julia very popular with the optimisation crowd: lots of mature packages in that area.
Most Popular
Most Popular Packages by github stars:
1. IJulia: 401 stars (ipython notebook support) 2. Gadfly: 349 stars (plotting, ggplot style) 3. DataFrames: 137 stars (pandas or R data structures) 4. PyCall: 105 stars (call python from Julia) 5. JuMP: 79 stars (external mathematical programming) 6. GeneticAlgorithms: 70 stars (Genetic Algorithms) 7. Optim: 67 stars (Native optimisation algorithms) 8. Morsel: 59 stars (micro web framework) 9. GLM: 56 stars (generalised linear models) 10.Winston: 54 stars (plotting, matlab style (ish)) 11.Distributions: 51 stars (probability distributions et. al.) 12.Graphs: 44 stars (graph (network) functionality) 13.MCMC: 38 stars (bayesian statistical models) 14.OpenCL: 36 stars (graphics: OpenCL 1.2) 15.StatsBase: 35 stars (basic support for statistics)
MOst Notable
- HDF5: support of reading and writing HDF5 files, comes with a "jld" file format for persistence of julia objects.
- Requests: simple but effective library for making http requests.
Julia Packages
By Samuel Colvin
Julia Packages
- 2,316