Luca Del Puppo
Luca Del Puppo
Love sport: running, hiking
Love animals
Nx is a build system with built-in tooling and advanced CI capabilities.
It helps you maintain and scale monorepos, both locally and on CI.
Nx is a CLI with many commands
And many others
Standalone application
For when you want a single project that can be nicely structured and modularized. It's a good starting point if you're not looking into a monorepo but with the option to expand later
Package-based repos
Ideally when you already have a monorepo (e.g. yarn/npm/pnpm workspace) and you want Nx primarily for speed and task scheduling. Also, when you want Nx to stay mostly out of your way and you set up everything on your own
Integrated repos
When you want more help from Nx. It takes away the configuration burden by developing a pre-configured setup that scales well, and provides scaffolding support and automated code migrations. Organizations choose this approach if they are bought into monorepos and want to scale up. Integrated repos might restrict some choices to allow Nx to help you more but result in better maintainability and more value in the long run.
Nx itself doesn't care which style you choose
Applications are the glue(containers) of our libraries
Real Applications
E2E Applications
Libraries are
the containers of specific business domains or utilities
nx graph
nx migrate
Luca Del Puppo