Front-end Testing on Steroids

I'm Stefano Magni (@NoriSte)

I'm a passionate front-end engineer, a Cypress ambassador, and an instructor.


I work for WorkWave, a Field Service Software company.

(or just run $ npx noriste)

I'm Stefano Magni (@NoriSte)

I'm the author of


Cypress Wait Until plugin


Cypress OTP plugin

Cypress Protocol Buffers plugin

My recent OS contributions:

There is more to tell...

• Ajax requests waiting and assertions


• Importing the same constants used by the app


• Leveraging App Actions


Please check out the full authentication.e2e.test.js and authentication.integration.test.js tests.

Cory House pushed the productivity even more in his Lessons From 5 Years in React talk where he shows how he works.

They had never written a test in their life, now they are crazy about Cypress!

Simone D'avico, Software Development Engineer 

Thank you 🙏

I'm working on a "UI Testing Best Practices" book on GitHub,

check it out! ❤️

Front-end Testing on Steroids (V2)

By Stefano Magni

Front-end Testing on Steroids (V2)

Why testing a front-end application is so hard? What are the main challenges you need to face? Why do the tests fail without a clear reason? This talk is about good testing best practices and the tool that is become the de-facto standard of UI Testing: Cypress.

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