UI Testing

Best Practices

Stefano Magni (@NoriSte)

Front-end Developer for

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I'm Stefano Magni (@NoriSte)

I'm a passionate front-end developer, a testing & automation lover.


I work for Conio, a bitcoin startup based in Milan.


Here you can find my recent contributions.

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Words with different colors are links 🔗

best practices are highlighted

Slides are organized both horizontally and vertically (see the bottom-right arrows)

Slides info

Don't take notes or make photos... These slides are publicly available and I'll publish them on Meetup right after the talk 🎉




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Some examples are based on Cypress (and the Testing Library plugin) but this talk won't be about Cypress itself.

A few concepts come from React, but don't worry if you don't know it pretty much.

Let's begin: what we test with UI testing:

  • 👁 visual regressions

  • ⌨️ interaction flows

  • 🔁 client/server communication

We split UI testing in three kind of tests:

  1. 💅 Component tests

  2. 🚀 UI integration tests (front-end tests)

  3. 🌎 E2E tests (~ back-end tests)

Test types

💅 Component tests + 

🚀 UI integration tests +

🌎 E2E tests =

🎉🎉🎉 High confidence

💅 With component tests we test a single component aspect/contract

  • its generated markup (snapshot testing)
  • its visual aspect (regression testing)
  • its external callback contracts

Snapshot testing means checking the consistency of the generated markup.

import React from 'react';
import Link from '../Link.react';
import renderer from 'react-test-renderer';

it('renders correctly', () => {
  const tree = renderer
    .create(<Link page="http://www.facebook.com">Facebook</Link>)

A test like the following one

Snapshot testing means checking the consistency of the generated markup.

exports[`renders correctly 1`] = `

Produces a snapshot file like this

Snapshot testing means checking the consistency of the generated markup.

// Updated test case with a Link to a different address
it('renders correctly', () => {
  const tree = renderer
    .create(<Link page="http://www.instagram.com">Instagram</Link>)

And a change in the test

Snapshot testing means checking the consistency of the generated markup.

Makes the test fail

Regression testing means checking the consistency of the visual aspect of the component.

Take a look at this component

If we change its CSS

Regression testing means checking the consistency of the visual aspect of the component.

A regression test prompts us with the differences

Regression testing means checking the consistency of the visual aspect of the component.

Callback testing means checking the component respects the callback contract.

it('Should invoke the passed callback when the user clicks on it', () => {
  const user = {
    email: "user@conio.com",
    user_id: "534583e9-9fe3-4662-9b71-ad1e7ef8e8ce"
  const mock = jest.fn();
  const { getByText } = render(
    <UserListItem clickHandler={mock} user={user} />

💅 Component tests are made easy by dedicated tools like:

Automate component tests

Otherwise: the more time we spend writing them, the higher the chance that we won't write them 😉

Once we have Storybook'ed your components...

... We can automate the snapshot tests...

... With just a line of code!

import initStoryshots from "@storybook/addon-storyshots";
  storyNameRegex: /^((?!playground|demo|loading|welcome).)*$/

* I used the regex to filter out useless component stories, like the ones where there is an animated loading

Regression tests: it's the same 😊

import initStoryshots from "@storybook/addon-storyshots";
import { imageSnapshot } from "@storybook/addon-storyshots-puppeteer";
// regression tests (not run in CI)
// they don't work if you haven't launched storybook
if (!process.env.CI) {
    storyNameRegex: /^((?!playground|demo|loading|welcome).)*$/,
    suite: "Image storyshots",
    test: imageSnapshot({ storybookUrl: "http://localhost:9005/" })
} else {
  test("The regression tests won't run", () => expect(true).toBe(true));

* I used the regex to filter out useless component stories, like the ones where there is an animated loading

If you don't use a style-guide tool like Storybook

At least automate the component and test creation with templates.

🚀 With UI integration tests: we consume the real UI in a real browser with a stubbed server.


They are super fast because the server is stubbed/mocked, we won't face network latencies and server slowness/reliability.

🚀 With UI integration tests we test the front-end. We can test every UI flow/state with confidence.

Write a lot of UI Integration tests

Otherwise: we write a lot of E2E tests but remember that they are not practical at all 😠

🚀 UI integration tests are really fast

🚀 For UI integration tests there are some dedicated tools.


Browser automation tools (like Selenium or Puppeteer) don't fit well these kind of tests, dedicated ones (like Cypress or Testcafe) are easier to use and more productive.

A Cypress screenshot

🌎 E2E tests: we consume the real UI in a real browser with the real server and data.


They are slow, even because we need to clear data before and after the tests.

With e2E tests we test the back-end.

Write a few E2E tests (just for the happy paths*)

Otherwise: our tests will be 10x slower and we make our back-enders and devOps accountable for our own tests.

* A happy path is a default/expected scenario featuring no errors.

The project I'm currently working takes:

  • 4" for 18 💅 callback tests

  • 5" for 44 💅 snapshot tests

  • 46" for 44 💅 regression tests

  • 82" for 48 🚀 UI integration tests

  • 183" for 11 🌎 E2E tests

A simple example: authentication.

The steps usually are the following:

Show a success feedback

Go to the login page

Write username and password

Click "Login"

Redirect to the home page

A first (to be improved) test could be:

// Cypress example
cy.wait(3000); // no need for that, I added it on purpose
cy.getByText("Welcome back").should("exist");
cy.url().should("be", "/home");

Otherwise: we need to inspect the DOM frequently in case of failures (adding unique and self-explicative IDs isn't an easy task compared with looking for content in a screenshot).

Base tests on contents, not on selectors

👨‍💻👩‍💻 The more we consume your front-end as the users do, the more our tests are effective.

// Cypress example
// Cypress example

Otherwise: we risk to base your tests on attributes with a different purpose, like classes or ids.

As a second choice, use data-testid attributes

🛠 A dedicated attribute is more resilient to refactoring...

// Cypress example

// The login button now has an emoticon
// cy.getByText("Login").click();

<button data-testid="login-button">✅</Button>

🤦‍♂ ... Compared to other selectors...

  class="btn btn-primary btn-sm"

Two useful plugins for Cypress

BTW, the test passes, everything is ok!

Go to the login page

Write username and password

Click "Login"

Redirect to the home page

Show a success feedback

But, after some changes/time, it fails...

What went wrong?

Go to the login page

Write username and password

Click "Login"

Redirect to the home page

Show a success feedback

😇 The front-end faults could be:

  • the login button isn't dispatching the right action
  • the credentials aren't passed in the action payload
  • the request payload is wrong

🤬 The back-end faults could be:

  • the accepted payload changed
  • the response payload is wrong
  • the server is down

😖 Other faults could be:

  • the network is chocked
  • the server is busy

🤔 There's room for too many errors, could the test be more self explanatory?


Let's refactor it!

Otherwise: we make our tests slower and slower.

Await, don't sleep

It always starts with...

"3 seconds sleeping are enough for an AJAX call!" 👍

⌛️ Then, at the first Wi-Fi slowness...

"I'll sleep the test for 10 seconds..." 😎

⌛️ Then, at the first server wakeup...

"... 30 seconds?" 😓

⌛️ ...

⌛️ ...

⌛️ ...

Well done, we have a 30 seconds sleeping test!

Even if our AJAX request usually lasts less than a second...

📡👀 Instead, wait for network responses

// Cypress example
  method: "POST",
  url: '/auth/token',
  response: 'authentication-success.json'


// it doesn't matter how long it takes

cy.getByText("Welcome back").should("exist");
cy.url().should("be", "/home");

👀 Everything can be awaited

🗒👀 Wait for contents

// Cypress example
  method: "POST",
  url: '/auth/token',
  response: 'authentication-success.json'


// it doesn't matter how long it takes

cy.getByText("Welcome back").should("exist");
cy.url().should("be", "/home");

⚛️👀 Wait for specific client state

We (I and Tommaso) have written a dedicated plugin! 🎉 Please thank the Open Source Saturday community for that, we developed it three days ago 😊

cy.waitUntil(() => cy.window().then(win => win.foo === "bar"));

🚜 Waiting for some external events/data makes your tests more robust and with better hints in case of failures.

🎉 Dedicated UI testing tools embeds dynamic waitings.

For example, Cypress waits (by default, we can adjust it) up to:

  • 60 seconds for a page load
  • 5 seconds for a XHR request start
  • 30 seconds for a XHR request end
  • 4 seconds for an element to appear

😅 Ok, It was just a network issue, now the test is green

Go to the login page

Write username and password

Click "Login"

Show a success feedback

Wait for the network request

Redirect to the home page

Ten releases later... The test fails...

Go to the login page

Write username and password

Click "Login"

Show a success feedback

Wait for the network request

Redirect to the home page

Here we are again... But, wait, the test could tell us something more!

Test AJAX request and response payloads

Otherwise: we waste your time debugging our test/UI just to realize that the server payloads are changed.

📡 ➡ 📦 Use UI integration tests to check the request payload

cy.wait("@route_login").then(xhr => {
  const params = xhr.request.body;
  expect(params).to.have.property("grant_type", AUTH_GRANT);
  expect(params).to.have.property("scope", AUTH_SCOPE);
  expect(params).to.have.property("username", user.email);
  expect(params).to.have.property("password", user.password);

📡 ⬅ 📦 Use E2E tests to check the response payload

cy.wait("@route_login").then(xhr => {

Otherwise: we spend more time than needed to find why a test failed.

Assert frequently

We aren't unit-testing, a user flow has lot of steps.


cy.wait("@route_login").then(xhr => {
  const params = xhr.request.body;
  expect(params).to.have.property("grant_type", AUTH_GRANT);
  expect(params).to.have.property("scope", AUTH_SCOPE);
  expect(params).to.have.property("username", user.email);
  expect(params).to.have.property("password", user.password);

cy.getByText("Welcome back").should("exist");
cy.url().should("be", "/home");

Otherwise: we waste time relaunching the test to discover what's wrong with some data.

Use the right assertion

An example

// wrong
expect(xhr.request.body.username === user.email).to.equal(true);
// right
expect(xhr.request.body).to.have.property("username", user.email);

Failure feedback

Nice, we'll be notified the next time someone changes the payload!

Go to the login page

Write username and password

Click "Login"

Check both request and response payloads

Wait for the network request

Show a success feedback

Redirect to the home page

What's next? How could we improve the test again?

Otherwise: we break the tests more often than needed.

Stay in context

We're testing that the user will be redirected away after a successful login.

cy.getByText("Welcome back").should("exist");
cy.url().should("be", "/home");

Changing the success redirect could make the test fail.

cy.getByText("Welcome back").should("exist");
cy.url().should("be", "/home");

No more 😌

cy.getByText("Welcome back").should("exist");
cy.url().should("not.include", "/login");

Otherwise: we break the tests with minor changes.

Share constants and utilities with the app

What happens if the login route becomes "/authenticate"? 😖

cy.getByText("Welcome back").should("exist");
cy.url().should("not.include", "/login");

Now it isn't a problem anymore!

import { LOGIN } from "@/navigation/routes";
// ...
cy.url().should("not.include", LOGIN);

Otherwise: we are nagged by failing tests every time we make minor changes to your app.

Avoid testing implementation details

He told me to assert frequently... I wanna check the Redux state too!

Go to the login page

Write username and password

Click "Login"

Check both request and response payloads

Wait for the network request

Check the Redux state

Redirect to the home page

Show a success feedback

Check the Redux state

Avoid it! The Redux state isn't relevant!

🧨 What happens if you refactor the state? The test fails even if the app works!

// Cypress example
cy.window().then((win: any) => {
  const appState = win.globalReactApp.store.getState();

Otherwise: we lose the type guard safety while writing tests.

If the app is based on TypeScript, use it while testing too

Tests are, after all, just little scripts. Using Typescript with them warns you promptly when the types change.

Look at every change of the server schema

Otherwise: we will debug someone else's faults or miss any important update that can affect our front-end.

To keep the schema checked you can use:

I developed a small NPM package too

That highlights the changes in a text document

Otherwise: we block the back-enders from running them and check themselves they haven't broken anything.

Allow to run the E2E tests only

Add a dedicated NPM script

"scripts": {
  "test:e2eonly": "cypress run --spec \"cypress/**/*.e2e.*\""

Otherwise: we won't leverage the power of an automated tool.

Consider your testing tool a development tool

Usually, we

Add the username input field ⌨️

Try it in the browser 🕹

Add the password input field ⌨️

Try it in the browser 🕹

Add the submit button ⌨️ ➡️ 🕹

Add the XHR request ⌨️ ➡️ 🕹

Manage the error case ⌨️ ➡️ 🕹

Check we didn't break anything 🕹🕹🕹🕹

Fix it ⌨️ ⌨️ ⌨️ ➡️ 🕹🕹🕹🕹

Check again 🕹🕹🕹🕹

Fix it ⌨️ ➡️ 🕹🕹🕹🕹

Then, when everything works, we write the tests 😓

Fill the username input field 🤖

Fill the password input field 🤖

Click the submit button 🤖

Check the XHR request/response 🤖

Check the feedback 🤖

Re-do it for every error flow 🤖

Could this flow be improved? 🤔

Yep, we could:

Add the username input field ⌨️

Make Cypress fill the username input field 🤖

Add the password input field ⌨️

Make Cypress fill the password input field 🤖

Add the submit button ⌨️ ➡️ 🤖

Add the XHR request ⌨️ ➡️ 🤖

Manage the error case ⌨️ ➡️ 🤖

Check we didn't break anything

Fix it

But, mostly, we don't need to write the tests 🎉

How can we debug our app while we're developing and testing it alongside?

Cypress allows us to use a "dedicated" browser...

... Where we can install custom extensions too

Summing up

  • tests mustn't fail for minor app updates

  • if they fail, they must drive us directly to the issue

  • the less time we spend writing tests, the more we love them

We are preparing a

two-day workshop

I and Jaga Santagostino are preparing a two-day workshop about everything related to JavaScript testing. 


The first one will be about React testing.


Drop us a line if you want to know more about it 🗣

UI Testing Best Practices book/repository

I started working on a big repository about UI Testing Best Practices, let me know if you want to contribute 🤗

Recommended courses

Recommended sources

❤️ For the early feedbacks, thanks to 

Thank you!

🙏 Please, give me any kind of feedback 😊

Next talks: Working Software and Voxxed Days Ticino

UI testing best practices - FEVR

By Stefano Magni

UI testing best practices - FEVR

In June 2019 I had a talk for the FEVR community (http://www.fevr.it/eventi/2019/06/ui-testing-best-practices/). The talk aimed to share my own experience with UI testing 🤙

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