Making Felix Felicis

Kent C. Dodds

Increasing your luck surface area

Let's wake up

Your brain needs this 🧠

Luck = Doing * Telling

Increase your Luck Surface Area

Try a lot

Build a lot

Talk a lot

Go the extra mile

Be brave

Share your knowledge


Be confident

Smart    Hard Worker

Hard Worker    Nice



- John Jesse

Be nice

  • Try a lot
  • Build a lot
  • Talk a lot
  • Go the extra mile
  • Be brave
  • Share your knowledge
  • Be confident
  • Be nice

Good luck!

Good luck!

Make luck!

You're doing great

Thank you!

Making Felix Felicis

By Kent C. Dodds

Making Felix Felicis

Bring your wand and potions ingredients, because we're going to make liquid luck! In my career, I've worked extremely hard, but I've also experienced a lot of what some might call "luck." Some of what I've done is reproducible, and some of it is not. But I've learned a lot about how to increase my "luck surface area" and then make the most of the opportunities that come my way. In this talk, I'll share the ingredients I've used to make my own luck, and I hope it can help you make yours. Don't forget to bring your spell book!

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