vue init
yarn global add @vue/cli
yarn global remove vue-cli
vue create
vue create
vue-cli-service <command>
(thanks, @Compulves)
yarn add @vue/ui
vue ui
Graphical User Interface (web app)
Node.js GraphQL Server
// prompts.js
module.exports = [
type: 'confirm',
name: 'addExamples',
message: 'Add example code',
description: 'This will generate a component, graphql files and an example schema (if server is added).',
default: false,
type: 'confirm',
name: 'addServer',
message: 'Add a GraphQL API Server?',
description: 'Generate GraphQL server files in a `apollo-server` folder.',
group: 'GraphQL Server',
default: false,
type: 'confirm',
name: 'addMocking',
message: 'Enable automatic mocking?',
description: 'Missing resolvers will be automatically mocked.',
group: 'GraphQL Server',
default: false,
when: answers => answers.addServer,
type: 'confirm',
name: 'addApolloEngine',
message: 'Add Apollo Engine?',
link: '',
group: 'GraphQL Server',
default: false,
when: answers => answers.addServer,
type: 'input',
name: 'apolloEngineKey',
message: 'API Key (create one at',
group: 'GraphQL Server',
validate: input => !!input,
when: answers => answers.addApolloEngine,
// ui.js
module.exports = api => {
// Config file
name: 'Apollo Server',
description: 'Integrated GraphQL server',
link: '',
files: {
vue: {
js: ['vue.config.js'],
graphql: {
yaml: ['.graphqlconfig.yml'],
onRead: ({ data, cwd }) => {
return {
prompts: [
name: 'enableMocks',
message: 'Mocking',
description: 'Enable auto-mocking for quick prototyping',
link: '',
type: 'confirm',
file: 'vue',
default: false,
value: getConfigData(data).enableMocks,
onWrite: async ({ api, prompts, cwd }) => {
const result = {}
for (const prompt of prompts.filter(p => p.raw.file === 'vue')) {
result[`pluginOptions.apollo.${}`] = await api.getAnswer(
api.setData('vue', result)
// Update app manifest
const serverFolder = result['pluginOptions.apollo.serverFolder'] || prompts.find(p => === 'serverFolder').raw.default
api.setData('graphql', {
'': path.join(serverFolder, 'schema.graphql'),
// ui.js
module.exports = api => {
match: /vue-cli-service apollo:watch/,
description: 'Run and watch the GraphQL server',
link: '',
prompts: [
name: 'open',
type: 'confirm',
default: false,
description: ''
views: [
id: 'org.akryum.vue-apollo.views.playground',
label: 'Playground',
icon: 'gamepad',
component: 'org.akryum.vue-apollo.components.playground',
defaultView: 'org.akryum.vue-apollo.views.playground',
onRun: () => {
setSharedData('running', true)
onExit: () => {
// ui.js
module.exports = api => {
id: 'org.akryum.vue-apollo.client-addon',
path: path.resolve(__dirname, './client-addon-dist'),
// During plugin dev
module.exports = api => {
id: 'org.akryum.vue-apollo.client-addon',
url: 'http://localhost:8043/index.js'
// vue.config.js
const { clientAddonConfig } = require('@vue/cli-ui')
module.exports = {
id: 'vue-apollo',
port: 8043,
outputDir: '../client-addon-dist',
In client addon:
// src/main.js
import Welcome from './components/Welcome.vue'
import KillPort from './components/KillPort.vue'
import PluginUpdates from './components/PluginUpdates.vue'
import DependencyUpdates from './components/DependencyUpdates.vue'
import Vulnerability from './components/Vulnerability.vue'
import VulnerabilityDetails from './components/VulnerabilityDetails.vue'
import RunTask from './components/RunTask.vue'
import News from './components/News.vue'
ClientAddonApi.component('org.vue.widgets.components.welcome', Welcome)
ClientAddonApi.component('org.vue.widgets.components.kill-port', KillPort)
ClientAddonApi.component('org.vue.widgets.components.plugin-updates', PluginUpdates)
ClientAddonApi.component('org.vue.widgets.components.dependency-updates', DependencyUpdates)
ClientAddonApi.component('org.vue.widgets.components.vulnerability', Vulnerability)
ClientAddonApi.component('org.vue.widgets.components.vulnerability-details', VulnerabilityDetails)
ClientAddonApi.component('', RunTask)
ClientAddonApi.component('', News)
In client addon:
// ui.js
module.exports = api => {
id: '',
title: '',
description: '',
icon: 'rss_feed',
component: '',
detailsComponent: '',
minWidth: 2,
minHeight: 1,
maxWidth: 6,
maxHeight: 6,
defaultWidth: 2,
defaultHeight: 3,
openDetailsButton: true,
defaultConfig: () => ({
url: ''
onConfigOpen: async ({ context }) => {
return {
prompts: [
name: 'url',
type: 'input',
message: ''
Silver sponsor
Guillaume Chau